INVADE CATI Manager - Quota Management

INVADE CATI Manager - Quota Management

Available from July 2021

The INVADE dialler has a in-built quota manager which allows quotas based on sample points provided in the sample table. Current implementation allows target based quotas.

Example sample csv file should look as shown below:

RecordID - unique record identifier (integer value) *mandatory

TelNum - Respondent telephone number (string value) *mandatory

In our example we have 3 quotas added. MEMBER, ATTENDED, Location. Each quota column has to define sample points. In our case (as shown above) we have L1, L2, A1, A2, M1, M2 - these values can be alphanumeric. Everything that starts with sp_ are treated as samplepoints.

Once this file is put in the “Projects” directory, the dialler parses it and identifies all quotas. The columns that are not RecordID or TelNum are treated as quotas.

The campaign is created and must be visible in the campaign list:

When “Quota” tab is selected in the right hand side pane, all quotas should be visible.

For example let set our target for two specific quotas Location - L1 and MEMBER - M1 to 2 for each. Quota are added by dragging them down to the table provided below the list of quotas. The result should look like this:

Added quotas will be represented as a row in the table. We can set custom description for the quota’s if required in the “Description” column. Wanted column is our target of completes to achieve. The complete is regarded a successful call that is coded with completion code which is set in “CompletionCode” column. Finished, Active and Remaining columns will represent current state for each quota.

  • Finished - samples completed for the specific quota

  • Active - samples that are currently actively progressed in the dialler

  • Remaining - number of sample remaining for this specific quota

As shown above we have set that we want 2 completes for our selected quotas.

Once we are happy with our selection navigate back to “Parameters/Controls” tab.

Make sure that “QuotaExternal” check box is not set. This checkbox needs to be checked if quotas are provided to the dialler but are not required to be processed by the dialler.

Once the campaign is made “Ready” and started Quota tab will be showing table with set quotas and their progress.

There is an option to set auto refresh for this table, in case it needs to be tracked real time. This can be done by right clicking on the table and selecting “Start auto refresh”.

When auto refresh is not required “Stop auto refresh” option will appear in the same context menu.

When the agent is using “CATI Interviewer” they would not see any difference from non quota base campaigns. In addition now there a notification for the interviewer which points out that campaign has ran out of sample. Once the agent sees this notification the dialler knows that all the quotas has been fulfilled and stops the campaign.

Going back to “CATI Manager” we can check that our quotas has been fulfilled. This can be done in the same “Quota” tab.

The values in the “Saved” column is representing all rescheduled calls if there are any for this specific quota.

Due to complex structure of the dialler it is not always possible to ensure that quota targets are not over shot by a couple of calls. For example in the above picture “Finished” column for any of the quota’s potentially could have a value of 3 - 5 depending on the agent count and call outcomes at the end of quota fulfilment process.

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