Call Search - Builder

Call Search - Builder

Call Search is a section available from the side menu, available to authorised users. 

Call Search allows a user to search for telephone numbers and any recordings associated with that number.

Call Search default page header - Note, the version discussed on this page is discontinued from WebPortal Version 1.9.15

Note. the Columns & Filter Panel is available from the right-hand side as shown here.

Filters will allow you to pick values for the matching column's cell value

Below is the full list of  columns & filters available 


Title - Call Search, the current section you are viewing within the INVADE Solution 
Phone Number = enter the number you are wanting to search 
Partial match (toggle button) = if the phone number entered is only a part of a number, you can toggle to look for similar numbers
Call Outcome = The ability to drill down to the type of call i.e. searching for a number that has received 'Abandoned' calls
Call type = The ability to drill down to the type of call i.e. INBOUND for a number that was unable to reach the call centre
Agent = The ability to drill down to any Agent that has been logged to the CATI and used on the INVADE Solution 
Campaign = The ability to drill down to any campaign activated on the CATI and used on the INVADE Solution 
Start Date = Start date for the Call Search
End Date =  End Date for the Call Search
Magnifying Glass () = Commit the search (enter)

Gray Column titles 

TelNum = The telephone number returned from the search
Agent = Agent name returned from the search
Outcome = Call Outcome returned from the search
InterviewID = The identifier for the call as assigned by the CATI Note. This is dependant on the CATI API / Bridge
CampaignName = Campaign name as created on the CATI
Recorded = call recorded, true & not recorded false note. playback is available after the search have been returned and discussed further in this document
TimeMake = Date and time the call was made i.e. May 1st 13:34
TimeDisconnect = Date and time the call was disconnected by the respondent i.e. May 1st 13:55 Note. if Agent hangup this is 'null' and displayed as Jan 1st 00:00

On the upper right-hand side is the INVADE Solution monitoring tools allowing you to interact with the extension in 3 ways:

Monitor - the ability to listen to the agent extension
Coach - the ability to listen and speak to the agent making the call
Barge - the ability to listen and speak to the agent & respondent

To use this feature, enter your number ~(i.e. extension number, cell number etc (Depending on Outbound set up) and the INVADE Solution will call you.
Note. By default you must start as a monitor, before progressing to Coach & Barge (forced from mid November 2020 Release)

Icons top right = INVADE Solution connected

User  = Currently logged on Username and INVADE Solution Web Portal Version, with the ability to 'Logoff'

How to build and generate a Call Search

Example of a part number (toggle on) search (994) with the Call Type as 'DIALLER' between two dates (28 September 2018 & 29 September 2018). Code, Call Outcome, Agent & Campaign NOT selected

The generated report will include calls that have been recorded (Yes) and not recorded (No)

From the highlighted record you can listen to the recording from this section by clicking on the 'Play' button. Note. Sound card and suitable speaker/headset required.
You can download the audio file in the default audio format for the INVADE Solution (native is .GSM)

Option to specify to search for recorded, not recorded and both recorded and not recorded.

  • Option to limit search result count.
  • Option to specify the minimum call duration required.

  • Campaign selection autocomplete field will be pre-populated with campaigns that were run in the time frame specified in "Start date" and "End date".
  • Once the campaign selected the agents that were participating in that campaign will be displayed for selection.

Call recording delete functionality

From the column picker select 'Deleted' & Action/Delete Recording  (This can be disabled as part of the build)

  • "Deleted" field - will show Yes/No values depending on whether the call recording has been deleted via WebPortal
  • "Action/DeleteRecording" field - will present a  icon for initiating call recording deletion. Once clicked there will be warning/confirmation dialogue asking to proceed. Once call recording is deleted the callstat record will say that the call was recorded and present the recording file name in "RecordingFile" field in addition to that "Deleted" field will say "Yes" - confirming that the call recording file was deleted. 

Note. The ability to Copy, Copy with Headers & Export data available from within this section excluding the recordings audio file.

'Right Click' in a cell on the table and the user can:

Copy an individual row
Copy an individual row with the headers from the table
Export the full table to a.CSV or Microsoft Excel

NOTE. If you navigate away from this section the Call Search report will need to be rerun 

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