INVADE Solution 6.00+ API (REST Interface) – IREST & Widgets

INVADE Solution 6.00+ API (REST Interface) – IREST & Widgets

Background: Back in 2016 Emertec was appointed as Master Distributor and quickly identified the need for INVADE to move from a Dialler (Genghis) provider reliant on ‘hard-coded bridges’ to a Solution provider utilising an open API.

In 2017 INVADE Solution 6.00 was born and moved to a browser-based application utilising features built over many years for our customers. Frequently clients request that we integrate our dialler with different CATIs, which we would do if the commercials and timescales make sense for us but now we can give third parties the opportunity to ‘do it yourself’, scary for INVADE a brilliant evolution lead by EMERTEC.

The INVADE RESTful Interface (IREST) was created in 2018 to address this exciting new direction. While we have ‘bridges’ to most major CATI, moving to REST is designed to let a developer build their own custom application heavily utilising the new INVADE Solution 6.00.

IREST is an asynchronous API that allows developers to build applications by exposing the raw primitive objects in Genghis – Campaign, Agent, AMD, Monitor, etc. - through an intuitive REST interface. The state of the objects being controlled by the user are conveyed via JSON events over a WebSocket.



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