INVADE Customer Service Desk Portal - Quick Guide

INVADE Customer Service Desk Portal - Quick Guide

The purpose of this document is to set in place the process for all existing customers who are required to use the INVADE Customer Service Desk Portal.
INVADE recommend the use of up to date Google Chrome when using this portal and all other INVADE web based services.

Step-by-step guide

How to - login

Navigate to http://www.invade.net/ (INVADE recommends the use of up to date Google Chrome) and click on ‘Customer Login’ on the main menu bar and then 

To login to the portal you will require a username and password. This is your email address and given password, please note this may not be the same as your existing Support Portal details. If you have forgotten your password, click ‘Forgot Password?’ and a new one will be sent to you. Alternatively, if you do not have an account, email mailto:support@invade.net for further information.

How to - Create a Ticket

On successful login you will be presented with the Dashboard, to create a new ticket, click on the Issue Tracking button.

New Issue - From the ‘New Issue’ drop-down select the relevant Ticket Type for the issue you are raising. In this example, ‘New Audio Issue’ has been selected.

Title - Enter a relevant title for the issue you are creating, for example - Jitter on all Interviewers Calls

Site Effected by the Issue - Click on the icon and click the site name the ticket is for (you should be presented with the sites associated with your company) and click Select and then Close.


Your Contact Number (s) - Enter your contact Number (s), this will enable INVADE Personnel dealing with your case can contact you directly if required. If more than one person is dealing with this issue at your site, please provide the contact details in this field.

Name of Campaign(s) From Example Interviewer(s): Enter the name of the Campaign (s) you are experiencing problems with. Please do not enter ‘all’ as INVADE Personnel may need to review the campaigns.

Priority - From the dropdown list select the priority for the ticket. The following are available, Low - No SLA (lowest Priority), Medium, High and Emergency (Highest Priority).

Percentage Effected - From the dropdown list select the percentage of the call center effected. The following are available, Less Than 25% (lowest), Less Than 50%, Less Than 75% and 100% (Highest).

Date and Time the Problem Started - Enter the relevant date (i.e. todays date) and the time of the issue. This is important for INVADE Personnel when investigating logs etc.

Example of Interviewer(s) Effected - As with ‘Name of Campaign(s) From Example Interviewer(s):’ please supply a sample of interviewers effected. Please do not enter ‘all’ as INVADE Personnel may need to review the interviewers effected.

Description of Issue / Problem – Enter relevant information to describe the issue / problem and reference any logs that you have attached

Attach document - If you are required to add an attachment (i.e. a screen capture), save the file to your PC and click browse, locate the attachment and add. I you are required to add additional file, follow the above and click Add another file.

Submit Ticket - Finally click Save and your ticket will be submitted.You will now be returned the list of tickets you currently have open with INVADE.

How to - Ticket Management

To make a reply or update a ticket you have submitted / have permissions set to see, you will need to select the ticket from the tickets list. In this example we are using the Ticket CSD-94.
Click on the ticket ID, CSD-94 in the ticket list. (Note: The order of the Colums may be diffrent depending on permissions)

Ticket id - This is a unique reference for this ticket and will appear in all correspondence allowing any e mail reply to be added to the ticket. Should you call the INVADE Customer Service Desk you may be asked for the CSD reference in this example, this is CSD-94

Status - The current status of the ticket, this is a read only and is used by INVADE Personnel to alert either the customer or other INVADE Personnel.

Replying to a Ticket - To make a reply enter your text into the ‘Add comment’ and click “Save” this will refresh the ticket and allow you to see if updates have been entered.

Email Reply - Once a ticket is created you will receive an email similar to the below. You can, as an alternative to using the ‘add comment’ box, simply reply to this e mail. You must reply to this email as the subject field allows the ticket to be updated directly. Failure to do this may delay INVADE Personnel from replying to you ticket and cause a further delay in resolving your issue. (Note. Currently most customers are reciving plain text email)

Profile - We recommend that you update your profile, INVADE may need to contact you and alternative telephone numbers are always useful. 

Logout - To logout of the portal, click on the Logout located at the top right hand side of the Customer Service Desk Portal page.

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