INVADE Manual Dial Solution (IMDS) - TCPA Compliant Dialling

INVADE Manual Dial Solution (IMDS) - TCPA Compliant Dialling

The INVADE Manual Dial Solution (IMDS) has been designed for areas where auto-dialling may not comply with local regulations. This is predominantly the USA under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, regulated by the Federal Trade Commission. The IMDS brings you the benefits of the INVADE Solution, such as recording, data interrogation and interviewer visibility and monitoring, whilst being wholly TCPA compliant. It also minimises the potential for human error and misdials when manually inputting numbers (the legislation requires the latter), as the interviewer can only dial if they have matched the telephone number presented by the CATI.

At INVADE, we chose to keep it simple, using the same tools, look, and feel but with the ultimate security that your interviewers are making calls well within the scope of the legislation.

As with all INVADE solutions, this is available as Software-Only, Cloud, Private Cloud, Turnkey (Hardware Supplied), or own Hardware or VM.

How does INVADE comply by providing a manual solution? Simple and compliant as outlined below:

  1. The INVADE Solution used for IMDS is incapable of being used for auto-dialling activities. It is not possible to auto-initiate calls regardless of any external or internal CATI or tools connected via the API. 

  2. The IMDS is physically separate from other INVADE Solutions the client may have; it is housed in a separate AWS instance and is ‘stand-alone’.

  3. The database contains an agent ‘manual dial table’ that stores the number to be dialled, as presented by the CATI.

  4. A manual dial plan is activated when the agent manually initiates a call by inputting the number presented by the CATI for that record.

How it Works for the 'manual' CATI Campaign creator and the Agent 'Dialling' :

NOTE. While the 'mix mode' option is available with CATI, this example is a manual-only campaign that was created.

  1. The campaign should be started with the dial method "MANUAL" to identify the campaign agent used for the dialling.

  2. In the CATI client, the interviewer (or agent) initiates agent logon (as it's a MANUAL campaign, the agent will not receive a telephony logon call).

  3. The agent, via CATI client, requests an interview.

  4. The agent gets a screen pop with the client information and the telephone number to dial.

  5. Dialler registers the number and writes a record to the 'agent allowed to dial table' with the agent extension and the intended respondent number. The agent dials the respondent number manually, i.e., picks up the phone (softphone or hard phone) and punches in the respondent number.

  6. If the number matches the entry in the 'agent allowed to dial table', the call proceeds as normal.

  7. If the number does not match, the dial plan will reject the call, and the call will not proceed.

  8. After successful call initiation by the interviewer, the standard INVADE Solution behaviour (call recording/monitoring/creation of call data records) etc) applies.

  9. After the call is finished, the agent or respondent hangs up first (the agent still needs to hang up as well).

  10. The agent will code the call and notify the CATI that they are ready for the next call.


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