User Groups Options - Campaign Allow & Deny List

User Groups Options - Campaign Allow & Deny List


Working principles are exactly the same for allow & deny campaigns,

Adding “Name” patterns in the “Campaign Allow List” will include selected campaigns in the WebConsole.

Adding “Name” patterns in the “Campaign Deny List” will exclude selected campaigns from the WebConsole.

For example, add the campaign name “EUbus2034532345” to the Campaign Allow List, and it will be shown in the WebConsole.

Adding the campaign name “EUbus2034532345” to the Campaign Deny List will cause it not to be shown in the WebConsole.

With partial campaign names, you can allow or deny many campaigns at once

For example. The partial campaign name “EUbus2” will be added to the Campaign Allo List, and all that includes EUbus2 will be shown in the WebConsole.

If you add the partial campaign name “EUbus2” to the Campaign Deny List, all campaigns that include EUbus2 will not be shown in the WebConsole.

NOTE. When the campaign name has a partial match for another campaign, you will allow or deny many more campaigns than expected. An example of this would be EUbus2 & EuroTruck2, where ‘EU’ appears in each campaign

Steps to create a group

Enter the name you wish to give the group.


Select the User(s) you want to be part of the Allow or Deny Group.


Input the Name(s) of the Campaign you want to Allow


or Deny


Once complete, click save.



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