Server Reboots
Server Reboots
As you probably know, we monitor the health of your dialler and often can alert you to potential problems before they happen, however, we still occasionally see unexpected server re-boots on our customers sites. To make sure that these cause you the least possible inconvenience and so that we are most able to assist it will be helpful for you to note the following:
- If there are any unexpected causes of a server reboot, eg. power failure, please raise a ticket to let us know.
- If there are any expected reasons to require a server reboot, eg. scheduled power outage,please raise a ticket to ensure the reboot is performed cleanly, i.e. the server isn't simply powered off!
- If there are any service affecting problems, could you please raise a ticket so the issue can be investigated. PLEASE DON'T simply reboot the server, either cleanly or uncleanly, as this is unlikely to resolve the problem and may prevent us from performing proactive root cause analysis.
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