INVADE Dialler Methods SPSS

INVADE Dialler Methods SPSS

In the Dimensions/Invade integration a number can be dialled one of two ways:

  1. Dialler call (autodial)

To do this the Dimensions sets the sample (or the project) to be autodial. In this case the number will be sent to the dialler wrapped in a sample record using the PutSample command.

2. Agent Call

This is performed when the sample is set to autodial=false. In this case the sample is not sent to the dialler. Instead the call is placed when the command DialForExtension comes from Dimensions . This normally happens when the interviewer is previewing the calls then hits the green dial button.

How the dial mode complements these commands from Dimensions

PREDICTIVE - It will request sample from Dimensions, and so expects to get sample back to be autodialed. It also supports DialForExtension.

PREVIEW - This is not conventionally used in Dimensions integrations. It does not request sample and ignores any sample that it might receive. It does support DialForExtension.

EXTERNAL -  It does not request sample from Dimensions. However if Dimensions has any sample marked as autodial, it will be sent over and it will be autodialed. It also supports DialForExtension. EXTERNAL dial-mode is the correct setting for a campaign that is set to use the Extension Provider in Dimensions.

Conventionally, Predictive is used to support autodialing with a little preview if requires. External is used to support Preview dialing with a little autodialing if required. In almost all cases External will be used for just Preview calls, but as this configuration in Dimensions can still result in some autodialing we have to situations when sample is sent to autodial.

When is predictive dialing appropriate on a campaign?


No benefit

Moderate benefit

Great benefit

Number of Agents logged on (simultaneously)

1 - 4

5 - 7


Sample Size


300 - 500


Connection Rate

Greater than 75%

between 75% and 55%

Less than 55%

Average connection/talk time

Greater than 80%

between 80% and 55%

Less than 55%

Abandon Target (it can be configured per campaign in the Web Console) The meaning of target rate is determined by the Dial Method. It applies to Predictive and OverDial dial method only. This can be changed dynamically.

For Predictive it represents the target abandon rate. The Predictive dialling algorithm will dynamically alter the dial rate to get as close to, but not exceed the target rate. Values permitted are 0.0 -> 10.0.

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