CATI Manager & QPSMR Telin
CATI Manager & QPSMR Telin
Available from 20th April 2020
Modifications made to the CATI Manager & INVADE Dialer now prevents the following scenarios
a) if a second Telin session is connected from the same interviewer on the SAME survey, the INVADE Dialler will "deactivate" the original session and use the second session. This assumes the case where the interviewer wishes to continue with the same task but needs a new session to do so. Deactivate means return “NOT_LOGGED_ON” to all messages.
b) if a second Telin session is connected from the same interviewer on the DIFFERENT survey, the INVADE Dialler will reject this second session logon. This assumes the case where the interviewer wishes to change task. They must log off the previous survey before they can do this.
, multiple selections available,
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