Using QPSMR to book an appointment

Using QPSMR to book an appointment

From March 2020 you can use Telin to book a future appointment. This works for all INVADE Solution Dialling Modes including Predictive Dialling

How Appointment Handling works

  1. In CATI (Campaign) Manager - Builder create completion code with “COMPULSORY” Schedule. Typically its “Appointment”. Make sure Recycling is set to true for the completion code.

2. Start the campaign

3. Run a predictive/progressive campaign

4. Once you have connected call select the completion code “Appointment” and in the appointment selection box, select the time for appointment.

Appointment Call Back

When the scheduled time (+5 min) comes for an appointment, the appointment record will be retrieved.

The appointment can also be retrieved while dialling in Preview mode or retrieving sample manually (clicking Get Sample button).

Tip: In order to get any sample (including callbacks and appointments) click “Get Sample” button in Cati Interviewer with NO RecordID set. In order to get specific sample set RecordID to specific sample.



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