Skill Set Support for the QPSMR Interface

Skill Set Support for the QPSMR Interface

Currently an Interviewer will use the “sample selection” section of the Telin User Interface (Telin) to implement both quotas and skill set segmentation. In terms of quotas, “sample selection” fields can be used by Interviewers to segment and isolate quota values in the sample database. This permits easier manual monitoring of quota fulfilment.  With the management of quota fulfilment and the presentation of quota status now taken into the INVADE dialler, this use of “sample selection” for this purpose is now obsolete. For skill-set support, the language field particularly is used by Interviewers to isolate sample by given attribute values matching the interviewer’s ability to handle the respondent. The language field may or may not be also part of quotas. Implement skill-set is performed with “sample selection” field names and values passed to the dialler when a PDS/Ready operation is requested. On receipt of these fields and values from Telin (step 2), the dialler can identify the fields common to the PDS/ready request and the skill nominated fields in the sample (step 1). This will identify the skill-set fields to be used for this request and will (if not already there) cause a new campaign sub-group to be created. The interviewer will then automatically (and transparently to Telin) be moved the campaign sub-group handling requests for sample with matching attributes.


Skill sets operation is controlled by the Interviewer using the sample selection operation in Telin. In PDS mode only fields used for skill-set streaming should be selected. The INVADE dialler will implement quota automatically so they need not be passed. Including quota fields as well as skill set fields with proliferate skill-set groupings and impair the efficient operation of the dialler campaign.

When skill-sets are employed, a campaign may get divided into a number of sub-campaigns or “sub-groups”. Each sub-campaign relates to a single skill-set criteria. The criteria can consist of one or more skill-set fields. Console status reports can be viewed for each sub-campaign or for all the groups via a “parent” campaign view that aggregates all the sub-campaign metrics

When sample-selection fields and values are passed to the dialler, the dialler will parse the selection and determine a skill set ID. This can be based on one or more skill-set fields. If the skill-set is not yet known to the INVADE dialler, the INVADE dialler will create a sub-campaign relating to the skill-set group and the interviewer will be logged on to that sub campaign. The sub-campaign is given a name that consists of the root campaign name and a suffix that shows the criteria. The sub-campaign retains the skill-set criteria and applies it to its own sample management to retrieve for dialling, only sample the matches the criteria.

If some agents wish to take INVADE dialler calls with no criteria applied, this sub-campaign will be given the suffix “ANY”.

A preview call can also be made within a predictive campaign. These may be generated in Telin with or without using sample selection criteria. For instance, in the case of an appointment, Telin does not use sample selection criteria to retrieve the sample, so this information cannot be not be passed to the INVADE dialler. As selection criteria cannot be reliably passed for preview calls, all these calls are associated with the “ANY” sub-campaign.

If a campaign never uses sample selection criteria, or only ever uses a single selection criteria, then no sub-campaigns are created. Only when two or more different criteria are used for a campaign are sub campaigns created.