FORSTA (Formerly ConfirmIT) Interface Installation Guide

FORSTA (Formerly ConfirmIT) Interface Installation Guide

FORSTA INVADE Solution Integration

The INVADE Solution integration with FORSTA supports both single and multi-dialler configurations.


The proxy is installed by placing the main proxy DLL (ConfirmitDiallerProxy.dll) and dependent DLLs of the package into the bin directory of the WS. A proxy config file (usually w3wp.conf) is placed at the WS top-level directory. This is normally done by FORSTA. The WS config file (web.config) is edited to nominate the main proxy DLL. This is a FORSTA component file and so for the purposes of this document, we cannot guarantee its format. However, an example section is provided below

Connection Configurations and Topologies

The CODI supports the nomination of one or more diallers via a dialler ID. The proxy (from v6.4.6) support the connection of multiple diallers. The proxy needs to know how to connect to each dialler and what the related Dialler ID is. This done in the proxy config file (w3wp.dll). This file may nominate one or more diallers


Proxy – w3wp.conf

A remoting service connection is made in 2 directions. The proxy connects outwardly to a nominated service on each dialler. Each dialler connects back to a single nominated ‘callback’ service.

<ConfirmitDiallerProxy> entity config.

  • <CallbackPort> this is the port on which the proxy declares a .NET remoting service for diallers to provide event notification. This is common to all diallers. Diallers do not need to be configured to know this value. it is provided to them via the Dialler's Service object.

  • <CallbackBindTo> IP address the Dialler should use to connect back to the callbacks service. For local connectivity, this element can be blank or omitted.

  • <CallbackChannelType> tcp or http.

  • <AudioDialler> the dialler to be used to retrieve audio information.

  • <PingTimeoutSecs> the heartbeat cycle timeout in seconds. Heartbeat commands are only sent to diallers if there is no other activity on the dialler.

  • <CallbacksLifeTimeSecs> this value is the sent to .NET remoting lifetime contract (please read .NET docs for further info).

  • <LogDirectory> self evident.

  • <LogMaxFileSize> size in bytes.

  • <LogLifeDays> days before deletion.

  • <Diallers> one or more <Dialler> entities.

<Dialler> entity config.

  • <ServicePort>the port through which the dialler will declare its remoting service. The dialler will be configured (in the genghis-dialler.conf) to use this port

  • <ServiceIPAddress>the dialler's IP

  • <ServiceChannelType>tcp or http to match the diallers settings

  • <Manual> if the dialler is designated and manual dialler (default false) .If marked "true" all campaigns on that dialler will be set "MANUAL" dialling mode

  • <DiallerId> The FORSTA CATI diallerID

  •  <Name> The dialler name used by the CATI in the Survey->Locations property and the Agents->Location property. If the Agents->Location matches the Dialler->Name then agent gets logged on to that dialler. Survey->Locations is passed to the proxy to identify the list of diallers on which a survey should be opened.

Below is an example file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Modules xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.invade.net/xsd/Genghis.">
<ConfirmitDiallerProxy xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

ComfirmIT WS – web.config example

<setting name="DialerDriverAssemblyName" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="DialerDriverAssemblyNamespace" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="DialerDriverAssemblyMainClassName" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="ServiceStateExpirationTimeout" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="AuthorizationKeyForIncomingRequests" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="UseAuthorization" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="DialerId" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="StatefulMode" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="AllowedAgentStates" serializeAs="Xml">
<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

Checking Current Version

  1. Locate the "ConfirmitDiallerProxy.dll" file in the "bin" directory of the Confirmit Web Service.

  2. Open the "Properties" of the file (right click).

  3. Select the "Details" tab.

  4. Select the "Product version".

The version of the "ConfirmitDiallerLib.dll" & "ConfirmitDialerInterface.dll" files can be checked using the same process.

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