Outbound CDR CSV Explained
Field | Header | Sample Value | Description |
1 | Time Start (UTC) | 2020-01-01 11:22:33 | Date and time of the call made in (UTC) |
2 | Source | 12345678901 | Telephone number associated with the SIPTrunk on the Dialler |
3 | CLI | 44123456789 | CLI associated with the Campaign on the Dialler |
4 | Destination | 44123456789 | Telephone number dialed from the Dialler to the Telephone Network |
5 | Duration (secs) | 321 | Duration of the connect call in seconds. For non-connected calls, 0 is shown |
6 | Disconnect Code | 200 | The outcome of the call i.e. 200 is connected call and completed by either party finishing the call (BYE) or 487 where a call has failed to connect as it has been rejected by the dialler (Request terminated (Cancel) |
7 | Disconnect Reason | Bye | As Above - friendly reason to accompany code i.e.Bye (200) |
8 | Rate ($USD per minute) | 0.012 | Rate per minute for the call placed |
9 | Charged (USD) | 0.0642 | Billable amount for the call placed |
10 | CDR Type* | Local | Call type: International/Local/Origin based International – A call originating from one country and destination is another i.e. United Kingdom to the United States of America will be treated as an international call Local – A call originating from one country and destination is the same i.e. United Kingdom to the United Kingdom will be treated as an Local call Origin based – A call originating from within the European Economic Area (excluding United Kingdom) and destination is the same i.e. France to France may have lower pricing. |
11 | Country Name | United Kingdom | Called destination country name. Badly formatted Telephone numbers will often be shown as a country not dialled. Our equipment will attempt to place a call based on the number provided |
12 | Network Name | United Kingdom T-Mobile | As above but categorised to a local carrier i.e. T-Mobile in the United Kingdom |
13 | Trunk Name | INVADE TESTING | Name given to the SIP Trunk on the INVADE Provisioning Portal & Billing Platform for identification and billing purposes. |
Due to the row limitation of Microsoft Excel (and other similar software) CDR’s reports are split by 1 million rows and you will see multiple CDR URL's in the invoice.
It has been also noted that Microsoft Excel may show columns B - D as numbers and characters due to default 2 decimal places, this can be resolved by
Highlight Rows B - D
Right Click and select format cells
Select Numbers & select 0 decimal places