Billing Descriptions & Meanings

Billing Descriptions & Meanings

    A security deposit is required equivalent to one month usage to protect INVADE from non-payment. This is refundable when the SIP Trunk is no longer in use and cancelled. 30 Days notice is required to cancel a SIP Trunk and any outstanding charges i.e. minutes used, SIP Trunk Rental etc. The SIP Trunk Security Deposit should not be used to pay the final invoice as this will be marked as bad debt and relevant debt agencies may be informed.

    Before the commissioning of a SIP Trunk a monthly rental will be agreed with your distributor. This will be agreed in advance and will be shown on the invoice as  SIP TRUNK RENTAL. If more than one SIP Trunk is in place this will be shown in separate descriptions to identify the ‘main’ and the back up SIP Trunk.

  • SIP TRUNK OUTBOUND MINUTES - This is shown in the invoice as:
    Qty - Total cost in $USD
    Unit Price - Prevailing rate from $USD to £GBP (Note. INVADE Billing is in £GBP only)

    Within the CDR's (CSV Download) total usage per call is shown with the header 'Billing Duration' or Column F, Billing Duration if open in Microsoft Excel or similar package. 

  • SIP TRUNK INBOUND MINUTES - This is shown in the invoice as:
    Qty - Total cost in $USD
    Unit Price - Prevailing rate from $USD to £GBP (Note. INVADE Billing is in £GBP only)

    Within the CDR's (CSV Download) total usage per call is shown with the header(s) 'TollFree, Amount (USD), Termination Amount (USD) & Metered Channels Amount (USD) or Column I - J, 'TollFree, Amount (USD) / Termination Amount (USD) & Metered Channels Amount (USD) if open in Microsoft Excel or similar package. 

    For each number registered with INVADE a registration fee as agreed with you distributor will be required. While some countries do not require any form of registration, others will require numbers to be tied to a personal ID card. Your Distributor will advise of this during commissioning any numbers. 

    For each number registered with INVADE a monthly fee will be applied as agreed with your distributor. Note. The minimum length of time a number can be registered is 30 days. 30 Days notice is required to cancel a number. This can be stated at time of purchase and numbers will not be auto renewed 

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