Support for multi-number dial in UNICOM

Support for multi-number dial in UNICOM

Available from April 2020 & implemented in invSPSS 1, 20, 2, 21

The INVADE dialler utilises the DPM property AlternatePhoneNumbers for multi-number dial support.

This holds a comma separated list of fields to be used as phone numbers. This will override the default PhoneNumber field so if the PhoneNumber value is still to be used it should be added to AlternatePhoneNumbers.

AlternatePhoneNumbers property is set on a campaign basis. It is found/added in Servers/<server>/Projects/System/<project>/mrInterview

If the property is not there or contains only invalid values the the PhoneNumber field is used by default.

Numbers will be called in the order of the fields in AlternatePhoneNumbers. As well as providing support for multiple numbers it can hold a single field name that is to be used instead of PhoneNumber.

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