Telephone Number Provision - Types Available & Meanings

In most countries local number provision can be supplied, these will often be non sequential numbering to keep costs low. Any number purchased has a minimum life span of 30 days and then can be recycled and new numbers purchased. This can often be a benefit on Random Digit Dial (RDD) and Large Pan European Campaigns where numbers can be purchased for each country.

As standard all local numbers purchased (some exceptions apply on premium and National numbers) from INVADE will allow two concurrent calls inbound and are included in the MRC. Where this is not possible your distributor will confirm as part of the commissioning process. In most cases local numbers are available for all locations and are distributed with  'new' area code as these are available in the 100's from provider ranges

In cases when two concurrent calls inbound are insufficient, metered channels can provide a useful and cost-effective solution. Ideal for inbound calling with unpredictable volumes of simultaneous calls, for example, Inbound IVR campaign. Along with a NRC registration fee per number you will be billed for minutes used alternatively bundled options are available.

INVADE can also offer Local Number Portability, allowing numbers from an incumbent supplier to be transferred to our network - The cost for Local Number Portability is geographically dependent. Detailed information regarding number porting can be requested from your distributor 

Telephone Number types available

  • Geographical Number
    More commonly referred to as a Local number belonging to a particular area/city of a country.
    The price consists of an MRC (Monthly Recurring Charge) and NRC (Non-Recurring Charge) per number. The caller is charged for outbound calls made to Local DID numbers.

  • National numbers
    Often referred to as a nomadic number and is not restricted to a particular city/area within a country.
    The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number. The caller is charged for outbound calls made to National Telephone numbers.

  • Mobile / Cell numbers
    Often preferred on Campaigns is a number from a mobile / cell  numbering plan which differs by country. Not available in every country, but more and more are been added 
    The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number. The caller is charged for outbound calls made to Mobile DID numbers.

  • Inbound Cost Toll-free numbers
    (Freephone/Free call /800 number) allows callers to reach businesses and/or individuals without being charged for the call. Often a request when completing government or Health Authority work and is billable to the fwd client.
    The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number, plus per-minute charges for incoming calls. The caller does not pay for outbound calls made to Toll-free numbers. Capacity is unlimited and free of charge.

  • Inbound Cost Metered number
    A provisioned Telephone number charged per minute. While INVADE does supply we recommend our standard 2 concurrent calls for inbound numbers. Most outbound campaigns only require a caller to call back and listen to a recording explaining they have been called today by the best Market Research Company in the world, today.

  • Shared Cost numbers
    A number which enables sharing call costs between the caller and the number owner.
    The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number, plus per-minute charges for incoming calls. The call costs are shared between the caller and the owner of the number. Capacity is unlimited and free of charge.