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Dialler Console is capable of reporting general dialler information and errors. These may be general dialler, CATI system connection, campaign, or agent issues.


The Error pane is at the bottom of the Dialler Console window. By default it is hidden but may be made visible by pressing the expansion button at the bottom left of the screen.


Within the Error pane there is a list of errors. These range in severity


Info:Major normal system events and CATI connections.
Warning:Unusual events that should be noted but do not necessarily represent errors.
Minor:Problems that will not impact the general operation of the system.
Serious:Problems that may cause general operational failure to some or all of the system.
Critical:Problems that cause severe failure.


Within the Error pane there is a vertical row of severity icons. Pressing anyone of these will toggle a filter on that severity type.


When an error it will not be seen in the Error pane if the error pane is not visible. However users will be alerted in the Error alert row just above the Error pane

(or at the base of the window if the Error pane is not visible. The Error alert row shows which errors have occurred and the number of those errors. For example


Clicking on each error button will dismiss this error count until it occurs again. 



CATI /   Dialler TypeSeverityError / Information Text
DiallerAsmMINORCannot logon agent: No route to connect extension 0, ExtensionName
DiallerAsmMINORAgent session logon failed. Could not make connection: local congestion   on Server:0, Server.Name
DiallerAsmMINORAgent Logged off while in call
DiallerAsmMINORAgent making call 0 while in waiting state, telNum
DiallerAsmMINORAgent session disconnected and failed to reconnect. Last attempt failure   reason:0, logonDisconnectReason.ToString
DiallerAsmMINORAgent session logon failed. Could not complete connection. Last attempt   failure reason:0, logonDisconnectReason.ToString
DiallerAsmMINORCannot logon agent: License limit 0 agents reached,   DiallerBase.LicenseConfig.TotalAgents
DiallerAsmWARNINGSample request failed - No sample provided
DiallerAsmINFOSample flow restarted
DiallerAsmMINORStopping Campaign with 0 agents still logged on and 1 connected calls,   AgentsCountAll, ConnCallsCount
DiallerAsmWARNINGCampaign stopped 5 minutes previously - residual calls dropped
DiallerAsmWARNINGCampaign stopped 3 minutes previously - purging residual agents
DiallerAsmINFOTrunk capacity exceeded at MMM dd hh mm, DateTime.Now
DiallerAsmINFOTrunk capacity exceeded at MMM dd hh mm, DateTime.Now
DiallerAsmMINORTransfer of dialler call to agent 0 failed for reason:1. Agent made   unavailbe, agent.DisplayName, failureReason
DiallerAsmINFO Sample flow restarted
DiallerAsmCRITICALLicence Expired 0, LicenseConfig.Expires
DiallerAsmINFODialler Started 0:MMM dd HH\\:mm, DateTime.Now
DiallerAsmINFOBase Licensed for 0 agents, Temporary Override for 1 Agents, expires   2:dd/MMM/yyyy, LicenseConfig.Agents, ctl.Agents, ctl.Expires
DiallerAsmINFOBase Licensed for 0 agents, Temporary Addition for 1 Agents, expires   2:dd/MMM/yyyy, LicenseConfig.Agents, ctl.Agents, ctl.Expires
DiallerAsmINFOLicensed for 0 agents License Expires 1:dd/MMM/yyyy,   LicenseConfig.Agents, LicenseConfig.Expires
DiallerAsmINFOLicensed for 0 agents, LicenseConfig.Agents
DiallerAsmCRITICAL Suitable Licence could not be   found
DiallerAsmCRITICALLicence Expired 0, LicenseConfig.Expires
DiallerAsmINFOLicence Changed. Base Licensed for 0 agents, Temporary Override for 1   Agents, expires 2:dd/MMM/yyyy, LicenseConfig.Agents, ctl.Agents, ctl.Expires
DiallerAsmINFOLicence Changed. Base Licensed for 0 agents, Temporary Addition for 1   Agents, expires 2:dd/MMM/yyyy, LicenseConfig.Agents, ctl.Agents, ctl.Expires
DiallerAsmINFOLicence Changed. Licensed for 0 agents License Expires 1:dd/MMM/yyyy,   LicenseConfig.Agents, LicenseConfig.Expires
DiallerAsmINFOLicence Changed. Licensed for 0 agents, LicenseConfig.Agents
DiallerAsmSERIOUSBase License Decrypt Failed
DiallerAsmSERIOUS Base License Decrypt Failed
DiallerAsmSERIOUSTemporary License Twin Decrypt Failed
DiallerAsmSERIOUSTemporary License Decrypt Failed
DiallerAsmSERIOUSTemporary License Failed
NipoDiallerSERIOUSmis-match for SlaveIDs and Master IPs for NIPO CATI settings
NipoDiallerINFOSocket connection from 0 NIPO CATI, serverSockHi.RemoteIPAddr
NipoDiallerINFOSocket disconnection from 0 NIPO CATI, sockHi.RemoteIPAddr
NipoDiallerINFOSocket disconnection to 0 NIPO CATI, sockHi.RemoteIPAddr
NipoDiallerINFOSocket connection to NIPO CATI established 0,sockHi.RemoteIPAddr
NipoDiallerSERIOUSNIPO Socket disconnect forces close of Campaign
NipoDiallerINFOSocket disconnection from NIPO CATI. No Campaigns were open
NipoDiallerCRITICAL Socket disconnection from NIPO   CATI while Campaigns still open
NipoDiallerINFOSocket disconnection from NIPO CATI. No Campaigns were open
NipoDiallerSERIOUS Socket disconnection from NIPO   CATI while Campaigns still open. Attempting to recover
NipoDiallerCRITICALRecovery of socket connection to NIPO CATI timed out
NipoDiallerSERIOUSCould not start new campaign named XXX: Campaign already exists,   tempNM.CampName.value
NipoDiallerSERIOUSCould not start new campaign named XXX: Campaign already exists,   NM.CampName.value
NipoDiallerMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, NM.AgentName.value
NipoDiallerMINORCould not logon agent named XXX on to Extension 1. That extension is   already in use, NM.AgentName.value, Location
NipoDiallerMINOR Attempt to make call failed -   Agent is already in a call
NipoDiallerMINORAttempt to play a sound file failed - Agent was not in a call
NipoDiallerMINORAttempt to start a recording - Agent was not in a call
NipoDiallerINFORecovering socket reconnected sucesfully
QuanceptDialerINFOSocket disconnection from Quancept. No Campaigns were open
QuanceptDialerCRITICALSocket disconnection from Quancept while Campaigns still open
QuanceptDialerSERIOUSQuancept socket disconnect forces close of Campaign
QuanceptDialerSERIOUSAttempt to start campaign with Qid 0 and Name 1 failed -  campaign with that Qid is already open,   QM.Params.projectQid, QM.Params.CampName
QuanceptDialerMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: the extension 1 is already logged on,   QM.Params.extensionInterviewer, QM.Params.extensionName
QuanceptDialerMINOR Attempt to make call failed -   Agent is already in a call
QuanceptDialerMINORAttempt to play a sound file failed - Agent was not in a call
QuanceptDialerMINORAttempt to start a recording - Agent was not in a call
QuanceptDialerINFOSocket connection from 0 Quancept, serverSockHi.RemoteIPAddr
QuanceptDialerINFOSocket disconnection from 0 Quancept read, sockHi.RemoteIPAddr
QuanceptDialerINFOSocket disconnection from 0 Quancept send, sockHi.RemoteIPAddr
DiallerTestUI    INFORunning in simulation
SPSSDiallerINFOSocket disconnection from SPSS. No Projects were open
SPSSDiallerSERIOUSSocket disconnection from SPSS while Projects still open
SPSSDiallerMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: the extension 1 is already logged on,   AgentName, Extension
SPSSDiallerMINORAttempt to make call failed - Agent is already in a call
SPSSDiallerMINORAttempt to start a recording - Agent was not in a call
SPSSDiallerINFOSocket connection from 0 SPSS, serverSockHi.RemoteIPAddr
SPSSDiallerINFOSocket disconnection from 0 SPSS read, sockHi.RemoteIPAddr
ConfirmitDiallerSERIOUSDisconnection from Confirmit CATI 0, ClientIPAddress
ConfirmitDiallerSERIOUSConfirmit CATI Termination forces close of Campaign
ConfirmitDiallerSERIOUSConnection to Confirmit CATI 0 remade, ipAddress
ConfirmitDiallerINFOConnection to Confirmit CATI 0, ipAddress
ConfirmitDiallerINFORemote connection to Confirmit CATI 0, ipAddress
ConfirmitDiallerMINORAgent named \0/1\: already on 2. Repeat logon ignored, agentId,   agentName, agentExtension
ConfirmitDiallerMINORCould not logon agent named \0/1\: Agent is already logged on 2, agentId,   agentName, agent.ExtensionName
ConfirmitDiallerMINORCould not log on agent \0/1\ to 2. \3/4\ is on it, agentId, agentName,   agentExtension, agent.Name, agent.DisplayName
ConfirmitDiallerMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, agentId
ConfirmitDiallerMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, agentId
ConfirmitDiallerMINORAttempt to make call failed - Agent is already in a call
ConfirmitDiallerMINORAttempt to make call failed - Agent is already in a call
ConfirmitDiallerMINORAttempt to start a recording - Agent was not in a call
ConfirmitDiallerMINORAttempt to stop a recording - Agent was not in a call
ConfirmitDiallerMINOR Attempt to play a sound file   failed - Agent was not in a call
ConfirmitDiallerLibINFORemote connection to Confirmit CATI 0, ipAddress
ConfirmitMasterASMINFORemote connection to Confirmit CATI 0, ipAddress
ConfirmitMasterASMINFORemote connection to Confirmit CATI 0, ipAddress
ConfirmitMasterASMMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, agentId
ConfirmitMasterASMMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, agentId
ConfirmitMasterASMMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, agentId
ConfirmitMasterASMMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, agentId
ConfirmitMasterASMMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, agentId
ConfirmitMasterASMMINORCould not logon agent named XXX: An agent of that name is already logged   on, agentId
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