Available from 24th February 2020
A complex value can now be supplied for callerID (CLID). it can be used to specify different CLIDs to be presented dependent on the prefix of the destination telephone number.
A complex CLID can be supplied in the console or by a CATI (if supported). Complex CLIDs are supported at the campaign level only. If a CATI is able to supply a CLID at the sample level, this overrides any CLID at the campaign level. Complex CLIDs cannot be used at the sample level.
A complex CLID can contain one or many CLID definitions. Each definition can be either empty (a blank), a simple CLID string, or a prefix/CLID pair. In the case of a prefix/CLID pair, they are separated by an “=” symbol, with the prefix on the left and the CLID on the right. Each definition is separated by a “,” (comma)
A complex CLID has the notion of a default CLID. This is the CLID to be applied when the destination telephone number can not be matched to any of the prefixes. It will also be used in cases where just a simple, single value is applied.
“12346789” - this will create a default CLID of 123456789. It will be applied to all destination numbers
““ - this will create a default CLID of blank. An empty CLID is supplied. This behaviour usually results in no CLID being presented to the destination
“01=098765432” - this will present a CLID of 098765432 when the prefix of the destination is “01”. as there is no default specified the default is blank
“123456789,01=098765432” - this will present a CLID of 098765432 when the prefix of the destination is “01”, and a CLID of 123456789 otherwise.
“123456789,01=098765432,02=1919191919” this will present a CLID of 098765432 when the prefix of the destination is “01”, a CLID of 1919191919 when the prefix of the destination is “02”, and a CLID of 123456789 otherwise.
“123456789,01=” this will present a blank CLID when the prefix of the destination is “01”, and a CLID of 123456789 otherwise.
“=123456789,01=098765432” - this will present a CLID of 098765432 when the prefix of the destination is “01”, and a CLID of 123456789 otherwise.
“=,01=098765432” - this will present a CLID of 098765432 when the prefix of the destination is “01”, and a CLID of blank otherwise.
“,01=098765432” - note the leading comma! this will present a CLID of 098765432 when the prefix of the destination is “01”, and a CLID of blank otherwise.
“123456789,01=098765432,” - please note the trailing comma! this will set the default CLID first to 123456789, and then to blank.
In cases where one prefix is a subset of another, the longest match is used. for example
“123456789,0=098765432,00=0081818181” a number prefixed as “01” to “09” will present CLID of 098765432, a number prefixed as “00” will present CLID of 0081818181.
spaces can be used to make the complex CLID readable. This will be trimmed out when applied.
“+” can be used in a prefix or in a CLID. for example
“098765432=003198765432,+=+3198765432,” - this will present a CLID of 003198765432 when the prefix of the destination is “00”, a CLID of +3198765432 when the prefix of the destination is “+”, and a CLID of 098765432 otherwise.