User Management is a section available from the side menu available to authorised users.
User Management - is a builder to create users accounts with granted rights on the INVADE Solution, this includes non-rights such as read-only. All cloud deployment of the INVADE Solution will require Virtual Private Network (Open VPN) access and this is activated from within this section.
Note. It is recommended that an administrator is appointed to manage this section as changes can be made to live campaigns, the operation of the INVADE Solution & user accounts.
User Management default page header
Title User Management = current section you are viewing
Users = The current tab you are viewing (no other tabs are available)
Orange Title Description
WebConsole = Access to the WebConsole section with full write permissions.
ReadOnly = Access to the WebConsole is restricted to read-only (WebConsole access will also be required).
All Agents = Access to the All Agents section.
Call Search = Access to the Call Search section.
Agent Search = = Access to the Agent Search section.
Campaign Search = Access to the Campaign Search Section.
Desk View = Access to the Desk View section.
Call Costs = Access to the Call Costs Reports section.
User management = Access to the User management section Note. It is recommended that an administrator is appointed, as changes can be made to live campaigns, the operation of the INVADE Solution & user accounts
VCSD = Access to the 'Virtual Customer Service Desk' section Note. It is recommended that only trained technical personnel are granted access as changes can be made the operation of the INVADE Solution
Cati Manager = Access to the Cati Manager section
Cati Interviewer = Access to the Cati Interviewer section.
File Manager = Access to the File Manager Builder
IVR Builder = Access to the IVR Platform & Builder
OpenVPN access = VPN access may be required for a cloud / private cloud deployment from a non-fixed IP address i.e home workers.
Telephony = Credentials for the INVADE WebRTC Dial Pad
Extension = Assigned extension number for the user
AutoAnswer = The call will be automatically connected
The following Column titles are permission-based as follows
the user does not have access to the section
Telephony capability has been activated
This is applicable to all sections of the INVADE Solution
Action = Allows you to save changes made
Action = Allows bulk importing of users as described further on this page
Icons top right = INVADE Solution connected
User = Currently logged on Username and INVADE Solution Web Portal Version, with the ability to 'Logoff
How to Create & Modify a User
- Click on the cross with the cross to pop up a 'new' User form and click anywhere on the 'Credentials Bar'
- Complete the user account, granting the required rights to sections. Username, Email & Extention number are mandatory as these are the fundamentals of the user. To change the password for an existing user account or when creating a new user account, the 'Update password' box must be check.
The following is an example, once complete click OK or cancel if you wish to start again
Credentials Section - Follow the on sections, passwords will nee to match
Access Control - Select the 'Sections' you wish the user to have. Note. 'WebConsole ReadOnly' will not allow changes to be made to the campaign.
Connectivity - VPN access may be required for a cloud / private cloud deployment from a non-fixed IP address i.e home workers.
Telephony - Once created the user will appear in the list and can be modified using the drop-down and repeating the above steps
How to Bulk Upload Users
To bulk upload users you will need to follow the CSV sample below. This will create multiple user accounts if you are unsure please contact the INVADE Customer Support Desk and they will complete the actions required.
Once uploaded this will crete the portal uses, but to be fully active for telephony INVADE Customer Support Desk will be required to carry out some manual steps if the extension & routes (Sip Trunks) do not already exist.
Note. Telephony can only be active where SIP is configured, this will not work for direct FXS
Clicking on "Import users" will bring up a file selection dialogue. Once the file is selected button text will change to "Upload {selected csv file name}".
Clicking on the button again will initiate the import. If successful the list of new users should automatically appear in the user list below.
sample CSV file content - The sample CSV will match the available heading as described 'Orange Title Description' Enter 'true' to be active & 'false' not to activate. NOTE. Once you have confirmed you are unable to 'bulk delete'
username,email,openvpn,extension,wsServer,wsServerPort,wsPassword,password,autoAnswer,acl->AA,acl->WC,acl->WCRO,acl->CS,acl->CAMPS,acl->AS,acl->DV,acl->CC,acl->UM,acl->VC,acl->CM,acl->CI,acl->FM,acl->IVR autoimp,autoimp,false,6000,,8089,6000,6000,true,false,true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false autoimp1,autoimp,false,6000,,8089,6000,6000,true,false,true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false