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Access to the Invade cloud dialler solution requires INVADE Solution 6.00+ may require an OpenVPN secure tunnel to be configured on your computer. We will work with you as it is not required in every deployment, the project engineer will be able to guide you


You will need the following information from your supervisor/manager (as agreed with INVADE Customer Service Desk) before you can setup set up the OpenVPN tunnel:

  • OpenVPN configuration file (eg your-company.ovpn)
  • Username
  • Password

and you will need be required to have the an up to date version of Google Chrome browser installed on your PC to access the  to utilise the full functionality of the INVADE Solution Web Portal.

Installing OpenVPN

These instructions This guide will take you through installing OpenVPN onto a typical Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System based computer (other Operating Systems supported), installing the configuration file and connecting to the VPN.

  1. Download the OpenVPN software from - please select  "Windows Installer (NSIS)".

  2. Double click the installer file downloaded above, to start the installation.

  3. Click "Next" on the first screen.

  4. Review the license agreement, and click "I Agree".

  5. The next screen asks you to select which components to install, we recommend the defaults so just click "Next".

  6. Finally, review the location that OpenVPN will install use on your PC and once happy to proceed to click "Install".

  7. The installation will now take place , and should take less than a minute to complete. Once it has, click the "Next" button.

  8. Untick the "Show readme" checkbox, and finally click "Finish".

  9. OpenVPN has now been installed to your computer. 


  1. Double click the "OpenVPN GUI" icon on your desktop, or on your start menu.

  2. OpenVPN will now be running in the background , and can be seen on the Windows task bar taskbar (generally bottom right) of your screen.

  3. Right click on the OpenVPN icon and select "Import file..." 

  4. Locate the OpenVPN configuration file provided to you by your Supervisor / Manager,  select it in the file explorer window, and click "Open".

  5. OpenVPN has now been configured. 


  1. Check if OpenVPN is already running on the Windows task bartaskbar.

  2. If it isn't running double click the "OpenVPN GUI" icon on your desktop, or on your start menu to start OpenVPN.

  3. Right click on the OpenVPN icon on the Windows task bartaskbar, and select "Connect".

  4. In the popup box enter the provided VPN username and password, then click "OK".

  5. The VPN will then connect (this can take up to 10 seconds) and the popup box will disappear once connected.

  6. You can verify you are connected to the VPN by checking the OpenVPN icon on the Windows task bar taskbar is green. 

  7. You are now connected to the VPN , and can access the dialler web portal in your Google Chrome web browser, with the details provided by your Supervisor / Manager.
