The “Server Name” field is a “friendly” name for the server. The system will identify the server by its hostname later.
The “Server Type” field tells MRT what type of server you are adding.
The “Location” field is used by MRT to determine where this server is.
The IP address is a required field and is used by MRT to connect to the server.
Default call recording location. This can generally be determined via MRT in the case of diallers as MRT will parse the mono.conf parse the dialler configuration for any telephony servers and for the location of recordings on the dialler. If the server is not a dialler simply leave it blank.
Default call recording format will also be parsed by MRT. If the server is not a dialler simply leave it blank.
The hostname field can be set to localhost but will be filled in when mono is parsed.
In the server list (Servers -> List Servers) there are either two or three available buttons. “Modify Server” brings up the same view as “add server” but with all the relevant options filled in. If you wish to change anything about the server’s configuration in MRT you would do so here. Remove server deletes the server from MRT and cannot be undone. Parse server config only appears if the server is a dialler or an “all in one”. This button makes MRT connect to the relevant server to find any telephony servers in mono.confthe dialler configuration, get the recording location, and the default audio format. This information will then be saved in the database.